Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1
Season I; Volume 1: "Intro"
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Throughout space and time, Angels and Demons have fought since Creation. While Earth is still young and not even
under the control of the Roman Empire yet, the intergalactic struggle still rages elsewhere. In the M'nar Galaxy, on the planet
of Aldea, the struggle between good and evil has heated up. A Holy war has started between the Aldeans ( an Elf race), and
the Shi'ado ( very powerful Dragon-like demons; whom are bent on the conquest of the universe). As the forces of good are
being wiped out, a flicker of light has appeared on the Relon Continent, that will ultimately change the course of the future...
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Aldean Chronicles Volume 1 Cover
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1
The Christian Outlook On Aldean Chronicles
Aldean Chronicles - Volume 1
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